Self Defense for Children - Don’t be a target for bullies! Learn to defend yourself with
CFBJJ’s Anti-Bullying Program!
160,000 kids miss school every day because they live in fear of being bullied. Whether physical or verbal abuse bullying causes depression and lowers self-esteem. At Central Florida BJJ (CFBJJ) we seek to prepare your child by building their confidence through teaching them self-defense. Fathers of the Gracie Family have been bully proofing their kids with Gracie Jiu Jitsu for three generations. Our children’s program at CFBJJ is based on the same principles employed by the Gracie family for over 70 years.
Our Anti-Bullying curriculum is a unique blend of both Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo. Our program introduces a child to the fundamental principles of self defense by playing many martial arts games. These games are not only fun but also reinforce the underlying principle of leverage that govern Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo. Beyond the games we also teach the children the “Rules of Engagement” so they know precisely when they can and can’t use the self defense techniques taught to them at CFBJJ program.
When it comes to training children CFBJJ are the experts! Each of our instructors lives by the golden rule: “expect
nothing, praise everything.” When expectations are too high, kids will associate their training with inadequacy and develop negative feelings toward the program. Kids don’t want to learn they want to play! Nothing matters more than having your child start and end each lesson with a smile. Our instructors also focus on transfer teaching and seek to stimulate growth through positive reinforcement. We use the transfer teaching process to gradually introduce a child to each and every technique. Patience is the key to success in learning and our instructors at CFBJJ are infinitely patient. Trust that in time the system will take its course and the child will learn true confidence and self defense.
The benefit of enrolling your child in CFBJJ Kid’s Martial arts program, are the intangibles that your son/daughter will learn while training. Such as:
Self- confidence- We all know that parents would do anything to ensure their kid’s safety and well being. However, with the days becoming more hectic, parents cannot be with their children 24 hours a day and unfortunately places like the classroom, the playground, and the neighborhood have become increasingly more dangerous due to bullying and other outside factors. The skills the kids acquire in our judo and jiu-jitsu programs give them the self confidence to defend themselves not only physically but verbally and help to stop a situation from ever starting.
Work Ethic- Unlike some Karate schools, we do NOT simply hand out rank promotion, based on length of time your
child has attended the academy. Students in both the jiu-jitsu and judo programs EARN their ranks through technical proficiency, knowledge, and if they desire, competitive record. We feel that this is the best way to teach your child the
value of setting goals and then working hard to meet those goals
Team work- Although both Judo and jiu-jitsu are individual sports and martial arts, We teach our kids that they
must work together in order to get as good as they can. Our Advanced students frequently will work with our newer students to help them improve. This not only helps the newer student advance faster, but imparts the value of teamwork and selflessness to the more advanced student.
Focus- Jiu-Jitsu and judo are sports which involve small details in order for techniques to be successful. This forces the kids in our martial arts program to develop a better sense of focus. Parents of our students have also reported better performance in school and more focus in doing their chores than when they previously started at CFBJJ
Respect- Disrespect of ANY kind is not tolerated on the mats at CFBJJ, whether it be towards one of the instructors, or fellow classmates. Students are required to bow, shake hands, and say “thank you” to their fellow
training partners after every sparring session. This is a simple rule; but one which can have a profound effect on your child as he/she grows.
This is just a small sampling of the benefits of enrolling your child or children in the judo and jiu-jitsu program at CFBJJ, we can make your child a Champion on (and off) the mat!
Central Florida BJJ
1420 Gemini Blvd. #8, Orlando, FL 32837 Ph: 407-603-6255
CFBJJ’s Anti-Bullying Program!
160,000 kids miss school every day because they live in fear of being bullied. Whether physical or verbal abuse bullying causes depression and lowers self-esteem. At Central Florida BJJ (CFBJJ) we seek to prepare your child by building their confidence through teaching them self-defense. Fathers of the Gracie Family have been bully proofing their kids with Gracie Jiu Jitsu for three generations. Our children’s program at CFBJJ is based on the same principles employed by the Gracie family for over 70 years.
Our Anti-Bullying curriculum is a unique blend of both Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo. Our program introduces a child to the fundamental principles of self defense by playing many martial arts games. These games are not only fun but also reinforce the underlying principle of leverage that govern Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo. Beyond the games we also teach the children the “Rules of Engagement” so they know precisely when they can and can’t use the self defense techniques taught to them at CFBJJ program.
When it comes to training children CFBJJ are the experts! Each of our instructors lives by the golden rule: “expect
nothing, praise everything.” When expectations are too high, kids will associate their training with inadequacy and develop negative feelings toward the program. Kids don’t want to learn they want to play! Nothing matters more than having your child start and end each lesson with a smile. Our instructors also focus on transfer teaching and seek to stimulate growth through positive reinforcement. We use the transfer teaching process to gradually introduce a child to each and every technique. Patience is the key to success in learning and our instructors at CFBJJ are infinitely patient. Trust that in time the system will take its course and the child will learn true confidence and self defense.
The benefit of enrolling your child in CFBJJ Kid’s Martial arts program, are the intangibles that your son/daughter will learn while training. Such as:
Self- confidence- We all know that parents would do anything to ensure their kid’s safety and well being. However, with the days becoming more hectic, parents cannot be with their children 24 hours a day and unfortunately places like the classroom, the playground, and the neighborhood have become increasingly more dangerous due to bullying and other outside factors. The skills the kids acquire in our judo and jiu-jitsu programs give them the self confidence to defend themselves not only physically but verbally and help to stop a situation from ever starting.
Work Ethic- Unlike some Karate schools, we do NOT simply hand out rank promotion, based on length of time your
child has attended the academy. Students in both the jiu-jitsu and judo programs EARN their ranks through technical proficiency, knowledge, and if they desire, competitive record. We feel that this is the best way to teach your child the
value of setting goals and then working hard to meet those goals
Team work- Although both Judo and jiu-jitsu are individual sports and martial arts, We teach our kids that they
must work together in order to get as good as they can. Our Advanced students frequently will work with our newer students to help them improve. This not only helps the newer student advance faster, but imparts the value of teamwork and selflessness to the more advanced student.
Focus- Jiu-Jitsu and judo are sports which involve small details in order for techniques to be successful. This forces the kids in our martial arts program to develop a better sense of focus. Parents of our students have also reported better performance in school and more focus in doing their chores than when they previously started at CFBJJ
Respect- Disrespect of ANY kind is not tolerated on the mats at CFBJJ, whether it be towards one of the instructors, or fellow classmates. Students are required to bow, shake hands, and say “thank you” to their fellow
training partners after every sparring session. This is a simple rule; but one which can have a profound effect on your child as he/she grows.
This is just a small sampling of the benefits of enrolling your child or children in the judo and jiu-jitsu program at CFBJJ, we can make your child a Champion on (and off) the mat!
Central Florida BJJ
1420 Gemini Blvd. #8, Orlando, FL 32837 Ph: 407-603-6255